
PTPiREE carries out a wide range of publishing activities. It provides books, catalogues, operating manuals, films and computer software. Below, we present some of the areas of our publishing activity.

Industry Bulletin “Energia Elektryczna” (Electric Power)

In February 1992 PTPiREE started to publish its industry bulletin ”Energia Elektryczna” (Electric Power). It is dedicated to the managers of power companies, power industry stakeholders, scientific partners and policy-makers. Each issue contains comprehensive articles focusing on legal, economic and technical issues. It is available only for subscribers.

Typification albums (catalogues)

Since 1992 PTPiREE has been working on typification of power lines constructed in Poland. Previously, many companies offered their own documents, but there were no comprehensive cross-sectional studies, that would systematise many solutions provided by different manufacturers, making them useful for individual investments in electricity lines. Therefore PTPiREE provided 25 albums, containing 95 volumes of typical solutions for LV and MV power lines and substations.


The first book published by the Association was "Elektroenergetyczne linie napowietrzne z przewodami izolowanymi” (Overhead electrical lines with insulated conductors) by Zbigniew Gacek, Andrzej Pieńkowski, Zenon Rusiński and Waldemar Skomudek, published in 1995. In 1997 PTPiREE has been listed in the national register of publishers (ISBN) under no. 925667. Currently PTPiREE offers a total of 38 books and manuals.

Films on DVD

The first films published by the Association and made in the course of its regular activities on Live Works, were: “Prace pod napięciem w sieciach napowietrznych do 1 kV” (Live works on overhead lines up to 1kV) and  “Prace pod napięciem w sieciach napowietrznych 15 i 20 kV”  (Live works on overhead lines of 15 and 20kV). The next film was entitled “Niebezpieczne zabawy” (Dangerous Games) and its main task was to warn the viewers of the hazards resulting from approaching or touching power equipment: lines, their elements, substations and power infrastructure. The last film, dedicated to the youngest consumers of electricity, was “Bezpieczniej z prądem” (Safer electricity), which promoted appropriate behaviour of children when using electrical devices

Computer software

  • INVESTOR 2014 – a program for analysing the profitability of power investments in new or modernised infrastructure of the operators of distribution systems.
  • TYPIZATOR – a program for preparing lists of material required in projects of electricity lines constructed according to PTPiREE-25 album (15-20 kV MV overhead lines with bare wires on spun transmission poles LSN 120 (70) – flat and triangle arrangement of conductors). This tool was also designed for initial assessment of a design in terms of proper selection of line items for operating parameters.